Pyranha Loki and Jackson Fun Runner Review

Lee Valley white water Course

For far too long now have we been waiting for it to rain and warm up so weAi??decided to Ai??take some new toys down toAi??Lee Valley white water course for a bit of a test drive! With the snow still on the ground conditions wereAi??hardlyAi??ideal but its OK we run a Ai??canoe shop so weAi??didn’t leave our pogies at home or anything!! Doh.

Jackson Fun Runner

The Fun Runner is a great fun river running boat which has the ability to play and surf on your way down. The Jackson outfitting make for a pretty comfy ride. It’s a nice quick boat with rails making carving across eddy lines a doddle. Ideal for intermediate white water paddlers or paddlers who are a bit board of bashing down everything in your creek boat.


Pyranha Loki

It’s great to see a longer playboat being made again! If you love the feeling of throwingAi??descentAi??sized ends in a whole then your love this boat. They have gone back to the simple well define railed rather than ‘vortex’ rail you will find on other Pyranha boats. If you’re looking for a playboat with more river running ability than your out and out play boat then consider the Loki. YouAi??probablyAi??won’t see it gettingAi??aerialAi??loops at HPP top sluice or winning the worlds but you areAi??likelyAi??to see a smile of the face of the paddler as they nail some old school moves in a new school play boat. Its super loose hull makes its a joy to shred up any wave on the river! We will be very interested to see what the top play boaters can do in it!

Check out the video of the test drive we did at Lee Valley! Don’t let the warm beats let you think itAi??wasn’tAi??freeezing out there!

You may see a few cheekyAi??glimpsesAi??of the new Lettman Granite in the video – first impressions are very positive. Once we get our hands on the first production model we will give it a right good thrashing and let you know what we think!


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