Kokatat comes to Whitewater!

As you may have heard we will be stocking Kokatat kayak gear soon! Ant from System-X brought Jeff Turner along to Whitewater to introduce him to a premium and professional UK retailer! Not sure if we fully pulled it off but we gave it a good shot.

Very interesting to learn first hand about what makes the Kokatat gear sooo good and how they fully justify their higher prices. A few take aways:

  • Every single suit that comes out of their factory in Arcata gets filled with water to test all the seams and nothing leaves without passing the test!
  • In the unlikely event you will need a repair job they will use a Gore-Tex repair unit in South Scotland via retailers likeAi??ourselves.
  • They make the only Gore-Tex dry suit out there!
  • They all come with a guarantee for theAi??reasonableAi??life time of the suit.
  • We should have them in about 4 weeks!

Any questions just let us know!


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