Does your Helmet fit Properly?
Wearing a helmet thatAi??doesn’tAi??fit properly is as good as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest
Make sure your is clomid use in nigeria too helmet fits today – don’t wait till it’s too late!
All helmets and heads areAi??differentAi??and just because you fitted it out many moons ago doesn’t mean it will still fit now! Pads get lost and wear our, your hair falls out etc etc! If you can fit custard cream between your head and the helmet then the chances are your need to get it fitted better.
So….. we have found a big bag of spare padding and ear attachments forAi??helmets we haveAi??accumulated so next time your around bring your helmet down and feel free to use some of the padding..Free of chargeAi??naturally!

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