Wavesport Diesels | UK Made Blackout Spec
We picked up our first Wavesport Diesels in the newly available BlackOut spec this week, we’ll try and get a video done soon but here are a few pictures showing the outfitting.
The Diesel range of boats are a well designed river runner available in 3 sizes, similar to the Pyranha Burn or B2. Previously made in the States the BlackOut option comes with a ratchet adjustable backband, a full plate footrest and moulded thigh grips plus 4 metal grab handles making it an ideal boat for whitewater and at only £599 offers great value as well.
These are also the first of the new shells are being made in the UK Ai??in East Sussex, meaing availability should be really good! Ai??The Diesel is available in 3 sizes 60, 70 and 80 and 5 colours Cherry Bomb, Citrus, Margarita, Red and Purple Haze. The Diesel is still available in the excellent top end CoreWhiteout outfitting as well!
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